Wrench Light On Honda Accord – Meaning, Causes & Reset

If you’re a Honda Accord owner, chances are you’ve come across the yellow wrench light on your dashboard. This symbol, akin to an orange wrench light Honda uses, is an integral part of the car’s Maintenance Minder system, responsible for notifying you when it’s time for routine servicing, be it an oil change, tire rotation, or other maintenance duties.

Now, you might wonder, what does a wrench light mean on a Honda? How do I decipher the service required? And, most importantly, how do I reset this wrench dash light Honda has once the servicing is completed? Fret not, as we delve deep into these aspects, demystifying the wrench light on Honda Accord, the reasons it lights up, and the steps to reset it.

We’ll also share some useful pointers on maintaining your Honda Accord in top-notch condition and evading expensive repairs.

Wrench Light On Honda Accord

Deciphering the Meaning of the Wrench Light On Honda Accord

One of the first things you’ll notice about this wrench icon on dashboard Honda has is that it’s not a warning light signaling a vehicle problem. Instead, it’s a gentle reminder that your vehicle requires some tender loving care to continue running smoothly and efficiently.

The wrench light—or as some might call it, the symbol Honda wrench light—is accompanied by a maintenance code that pops up on your dashboard. Comprising a letter (A or B) and a number (ranging from 1 to 6), this code offers you a peek into the kind of service needed. Let’s explore what each letter and number signifies.

Understanding the Letter in the Maintenance Code

AThis stands for an engine oil change.
BThis signifies an engine oil and filter change, along with a brake inspection, fluid level check, and other inspections.

Unraveling the Number in the Maintenance Code

1This represents a tire rotation.
2This denotes an air cleaner element replacement, dust, and pollen filter replacement, and drive belt inspection.
3This indicates a transmission fluid replacement.
4This implies a spark plug replacement, valve clearance inspection, and timing belt replacement (if equipped).
5This hints at an engine coolant replacement.
6This means a rear differential fluid replacement (if your model is equipped with this feature).

Taking an example, if the code reads A1, it indicates that your vehicle requires an engine oil change and a tire rotation.

If the code reads B12345, it signifies that your vehicle is due for a comprehensive service, encompassing an oil and filter change, brake inspection, fluid level check, air cleaner and dust & pollen filter replacement, drive belt inspection, transmission fluid replacement, spark plug replacement and valve clearance check, timing belt replacement (if equipped), and an engine coolant replacement.

The maintenance code is shaped by the odometer reading and the time elapsed since the last service. The car’s computer calculates the timing for the service based on your unique driving habits and conditions, thus making it a dynamic, user-centric process that varies from one driver to another.

While the wrench light, like the FCW system in Honda Accord, has its specific purposes, it’s vital to note that these are just recommended intervals, and it’s always advisable to follow the specific maintenance code displayed on your dashboard. This ensures optimal performance and long-term reliability of your Honda Accord.

The Art of Resetting the Wrench Light on Honda Accord

After you’ve diligently performed the necessary service, it’s time to reset the wrench light Honda Accord has on the dashboard. This process clears the maintenance code and ensures the light remains off until the next service is due.

While the exact procedure might vary slightly depending on your Honda Accord’s model year and trim level, the overall steps remain broadly similar. Let’s walk you through the steps.

Using the Steering Wheel Buttons

Using the Steering Wheel Buttons

  1. Turn the ignition switch to the ON position without starting the engine.
  2. Repeatedly press the SELECT/RESET button located on the steering wheel until the oil life indicator appears on the display.
  3. Press and hold the SELECT/RESET button for over 10 seconds. The oil life indicator and the maintenance code will start blinking.
  4. Release the SELECT/RESET button, then press and hold it again for over 5 seconds. The oil life indicator will reset to 100%, and the maintenance code will vanish.
  5. Turn the ignition switch back to the OFF position.

Using the Touchscreen Display

If your vehicle is equipped with a touchscreen display, resetting the wrench light is as easy as:

  1. Turning the ignition switch to the ON position without starting the engine.
  2. Pressing the HOME button on the display, followed by the selection of Settings.
  3. Selecting Vehicle, followed by Maintenance Info.
  4. Opting for Reset, then selecting Yes to confirm.
  5. Upon confirmation, the oil life indicator resets to 100%, and the maintenance code disappears.
  6. Lastly, turning the ignition switch back to the OFF position.

It’s worth noting that resetting the wrench light on your Honda Accord should be a part of your regular maintenance process, just like ensuring a tight fuel cap on your Honda Accord or ensuring a regular checkup of the TCS light. For more insights into Honda’s recommended service, consider visiting our guides on Honda Accord A12 service and Honda Civic A12 service.

Keeping Your Honda Accord in Good Shape: A Detailed Guide

Owning a Honda Accord comes with a sense of responsibility, a sort of partnership with your vehicle. The better you care for your Accord, the longer it will continue to deliver the reliability and efficiency you’ve come to expect from it. The orange wrench light Honda Accord models feature is more than just a simple dashboard indicator; it’s a reminder to maintain this vital partnership.

Ensuring Proper Tire Maintenance

Tires often get overlooked in the grand scheme of car maintenance. But they’re your car’s sole contact with the road, playing pivotal roles in handling, braking, traction, and fuel economy. So, it’s crucial to check your tire pressure regularly, inflating them to the recommended level. You can find this information in your owner’s manual or on a label inside the driver’s door.

Every 6 months or 7,500 miles—whichever comes first—make it a point to rotate your tires. This ensures even wear, extending their lifespan and giving you a smoother ride. A periodic wheel alignment and balance check can help prevent vibration and steering issues, further enhancing your Honda Accord’s performance.

Maintaining Engine and Transmission Health

Your Honda Accord’s engine is its heart, and the engine oil is its lifeblood. Not only does engine oil cool and lubricate the engine components, but it also wards off corrosion and sludge buildup. That’s why it’s crucial to replace your engine oil and filter every 12 months or 7,500 miles, depending on the wrench icon on dashboard Honda provides as a maintenance indicator.

Maintaining the transmission is just as essential. Remember to replace your transmission fluid every 36 months or 36,000 miles as a standard, though your Accord’s maintenance code may suggest otherwise. High-quality transmission fluid ensures smooth gear shifting while preventing friction and overheating. You’ll avoid transmission issues by keeping an eye on this.

When it comes to the rear differential fluid—necessary for models with all-wheel drive—the replacement timeline is every 15 months or 15,000 miles. This fluid is responsible for transferring power to the rear wheels, and old or contaminated fluid can cause noticeable issues.

Prioritizing Air Quality and Combustion Efficiency

The air cleaner element in your Honda Accord works to filter out dust, dirt, and debris from entering your engine, thereby improving combustion and power output.

Replace this element every 30 months or 30,000 miles as indicated by your dashboard maintenance code. This will ensure optimal engine performance and fuel economy.

In addition, there’s the dust and pollen filter, designed to purify the air entering your cabin through the ventilation system. This filter shields you from allergens, pollutants, and odors, contributing to a more comfortable and healthier driving environment. It’s best to replace this filter every 15 months or 15,000 miles.

Spark Plugs and Timing Belt: Small Components, Significant Roles

In any vehicle, the role of spark plugs is fundamental—they ignite the air-fuel mixture in the engine cylinders, thereby generating power. Worn or faulty spark plugs can lead to poor acceleration, rough idling, increased emissions, and reduced fuel economy.

Replace these every 105 months or 105,000 miles to maintain your vehicle’s performance.

The timing belt in your Honda Accord, especially for models with a V6 engine, ensures optimal combustion and power output. A damaged timing belt can lead to severe engine damage, leading to expensive repairs. Regular replacement—every 105 months or 105,000 miles—can save you from unnecessary hassles in the future.

Your Honda Accord’s Coolant System

Honda Accord's Coolant System

One essential aspect of maintaining the health of your Honda Accord’s engine is the coolant system. Engine coolant circulates through the engine and radiator, regulating the engine’s temperature and preventing overheating.

It’s important to replace your engine coolant every 60 months or 60,000 miles, ensuring your Accord continues to operate at its best.

Preventing the Wrench Light from Frequent Illumination

The wrench light on Honda Accord serves as a reminder for regular vehicle maintenance. But, by following certain habits, you can extend service intervals and reduce the wear and tear of your vehicle. This could potentially prevent the wrench light from appearing too often.

Adopt Gentle Driving Habits

Aggressive driving—sudden acceleration, braking, and steering—puts unnecessary stress on your Accord’s engine, transmission, brakes, tires, and other components. Driving gently not only reduces this stress but also prolongs the lifespan of these components. So next time you drive, remember: patience is not just a virtue; it’s a lifesaver for your car.

Avoid Short Trips and Cold Starts

Short trips and cold starts often prevent your engine from reaching its optimal operating temperature. This results in higher fuel consumption and emissions and increased sludge buildup in the engine oil. By avoiding these when possible, you help maintain your vehicle’s performance while extending the intervals between oil changes.

Use High-Quality Fuel and Oil

While it may seem tempting to opt for cheaper fuel and oil, remember that quality matters. High-quality fuel and oil enhance your engine’s performance and efficiency while preventing deposits and corrosion. Furthermore, they can extend the oil change intervals and reduce the emissions—helping both your car and the environment.

Keep Your Vehicle Clean and Protected

Protecting your Honda Accord from the harsh realities of the environment can go a long way. Dirt, dust, salt, moisture, and other contaminants can damage your car’s exterior, lights, wheels, and other parts. Regular cleaning and protection not only improve your visibility and safety on the road but also contribute to your car’s longevity.


Regular maintenance is key to keeping your Honda Accord in good shape and avoiding costly repairs. However, there are also additional steps you can take to extend the service intervals and reduce the wear and tear of your vehicle.

We hope this detailed guide has helped you understand the meaning of the wrench light on Honda Accord, the reasons for its illumination, and the steps to reset it. By following these guidelines, you can ensure a long, healthy life for your Accord.

If you have further queries, or need more specific advice, feel free to explore the following guides:

Remember, your Honda Accord isn’t just a vehicle; it’s your partner on the road. By providing the care it deserves, you ensure its unwavering commitment to your journeys.


Q: What does the wrench light on Honda Accord mean?

A: The wrench light on Honda Accord is a maintenance minder indicator that reminds you when it’s time for regular service, such as oil change, tire rotation, or other maintenance tasks. It is not a warning light for a vehicle problem but rather a reminder for routine maintenance.

Q: How do I know what service is required when the wrench light illuminates?

A: The service required depends on the maintenance code that appears on the dashboard. The code consists of a letter (A or B) and a number (1 to 6). Each combination of letter and number represents a specific maintenance task, such as engine oil change, tire rotation, transmission fluid replacement, etc.

Q: How often should I perform maintenance on my Honda Accord?

A: The recommended service intervals for various maintenance tasks vary based on time and mileage. For example, engine oil change is recommended every 12 months or 7,500 miles, while spark plug replacement is suggested every 105 months or 105,000 miles. Always follow the maintenance code displayed on your dashboard for precise guidance.

Q: Can I reset the wrench light myself after performing the required service?

A: Yes, you can reset the wrench light on your Honda Accord after completing the necessary maintenance. The procedure involves pressing and holding the SELECT/RESET button on the steering wheel or using the touchscreen display, depending on your model year and trim level.

Q: Is it necessary to use Genuine Honda fluids and parts for maintenance?

A: It is recommended to use Genuine Honda fluids and parts to ensure compatibility and quality. These products are specifically designed for your Honda Accord and can help maintain its optimal performance and reliability.

Honda Accord Wrench Light FAQs

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